На данной страничке представлена внеклассная работа по английскому языку (КВНы, конкурсы, праздники, фестивали, петешествия по стране изучаемого языка, экскурсии и другое) Who_knows_English_better.doc Экскурсия на английском языке для учащихся 2 – 4 классов«Эти забавные животные»
Цель: Знакомство учащихся c фотовыставкой животных, расширение лексического запаса по теме «животные», формирование навыков аудирования с опорой на наглядность.Экскурсовод: Good afternoon, dear friends!You are welcome to our photo exhibition « These funny animals». Here you can see 20 photos of domestic and wild animals, insects.First of all I’d like to start with the most beautiful bird, that we saw in the Belgorodian Zoo - peacock. It lives on tropical islands of Pacific Ocean and North of Australia. It likes to eat fruits, insects, snails. Male peacock has a beautiful tail with bright colour pots.In the centre of exhibition there is a photo of winner of the contest Nikita Sylka’s cat.We invited the author to tell us about his cat.Автор, победитель конкурса фотографий: My cat’s name is Sonya. It is 4 years old. We found it near the litter bin. He was very dirty and hungry. We washed, fed him and it began to live with us. He likes to eat meat, fish and drink milk. He is very funny.Экскурсовод: And now I suggest you to look at the cats. They are kind, funny. Cats like to eat soup, meat, potatoes, Viskas, fish and drink milk. Cats are white, black, red and grey. Children, do you know poems about cats?Дети читают наизусть стихотворения о кошках.My cat PitI have a cat,Her name is Pit,And by the fireShe likes to sit.She likes to sitUpon me knee,For I love PitAnd Pit loves me.My catI love my cat,It’s warm and fat.My cat is grey,It likes to play.Pussy – catI have a little Pussy,And her coat is grey,She lives in my houseAnd never runs away.Экскурсовод: This animal is a man’s friend. It lives near his house. It likes to eat meat, soup, porridge, Pedigree.What is it? You are right, it is a dog. Can you recite a poem about dogs?I have a dog. His name is Pat.He can do this, he can do that.Look at my dog! Tricks he can do.I love my dog. He loves me too.I have a dog,His name is Jack.His head is white,His ears are black.Here you can see our school dog, whose name is Khvostik. Schoolchildren give him bread, rolls, bones. All children like him very much.Экскурсовод: And now I tell you some words about domestic bird, guess the riddle to give the name.My friend is a man,My wife is a hen,My child is a chick.Who am I? Say quick!(a cock)Экскурсовод: A cock lives in a village. It likes corn, grain,porridge. It is red with black furs. It has big red comb.Another domestic bird is a hen. It is white, black, red, grey colour. It likes corn, boiled potatoes, beetroot.Экскурсовод: Children, who is that? It is bird of happiness. It carries the babies. It is white. It lives in Belgorodia, in Borisovka. It likes to eat frogs. There are many of them. What is it?It is a stork.Экскурсовод: Guess another animals’ names which are presented at the exhibition.Say rhymes: mug – rug – … (bug)Cat – fat – …. (rat)We – see – … (bee)This animal is very small. It can be grey and green. It can run quickly. It likes grass. It has got a long tale.Название этого животного зашифровано буквами (ZLIRAD) Lizard – ящерица.Экскурсовод: Our excursion is over. I hope you enjoyed it. You must love and take care of domestic and wild animals and insects. Don’t forget they are our friends. Protect the nature! It is a home for animals. And it’s our home.Ученица: As for me,I love all kinds of animals,Dogs and cats and rabbits.I love all kinds of animalsDespite their little habits.If I had tons of money,Do you know what I would do?I’d buy a lot of animalsAnd have my own little Zoo.But they wouldn’t be in cages,They’d be free to run around,And there’s one thing they would feel.And that is safe and sound. |
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